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Cute Bean Story

September 30, 2011

I have a lot of initial impressions of London I want to write about. But I just need to share this first. Before we left Canada I had to sell my adorable little car. We had named her Max and she was a gorgeous little blue Yaris Hatchback. She was somewhat impractical once we had the Bean and her monster sized carseat to contend with, but I still loved her. And I miss her.

What I didn’t realise was how attached Beans was to that car. She has been talking about Max since I sold her. Constantly asking after “Blue Car”. She gets very excited when a blue car comes down the street or is parked on the side of the road. This is all a bit strange to me, seeing as how since Finnegan (the dog) went to his new home she hasn’t mentioned him once.

Anyway we were at a charity shop a few days ago and I was looking for some toys to keep her busy while we wait for our shipment from Canada to arrive (the shipment that has the majority of her stuff) and on a shelf just at her level was a tiny blue car. Beans locked on it immediately and wouldn’t let me take it off her to even pay for it. She loves this little blue car, just like she apparently loved Max. It comes to the grocery store with us, it comes to the park. It drives all around the apartment and she puts it under the covers in my bed so that it can sleep.

And then yesterday she found a little key in one of our suitcases (no furniture and no hangers means we’re living out of suitcases). The key itself is about a centimetre  long and is used for those little locks you can put on your bag that are supposed to prevent theft while travelling.  She now takes this key and shoves it into the driver seat of the little blue car before it drives anywhere. I’m amazed by this. I’ve known for awhile that she knows that keys go in locks in the door, but I didn’t realise she had noticed that they are necessary to make cars move too. What a brilliant little Bean eh?

I’m finding it all too adorable! Even when I have to fish a wedged key out of the car a few hundred times a day to appease agitated toddler.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Dom Camus permalink
    September 30, 2011 11:50 am

    “she puts it under the covers in my bed so that it can sleep”

    Sooo cuuute!

    • September 30, 2011 3:58 pm

      Slightly less cute when I forget it’s there when I go to bed and end up injuring myself however.

  2. Jami Koehl permalink
    September 30, 2011 3:49 pm

    adorable. my niece still has her ‘Cowie’ (stuffed cow); Beans has the little blue car… who said girls need Barbies! Go Beans go! This is the germ of a very good children’s book, Tessa. think about it!

  3. September 30, 2011 3:56 pm


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